Data Ethics in the Age of Digital Transformation

With Business Intelligence and data analysis playing a central role in the operations of all kinds of organisations, the misuse of data has never been so widespread in recent years. And that’s why more and more organisations are now embracing the concept of “Data Ethics”.

In this talk, zsah CEO Amir Hashmi and Charles Radclyffe, Partner at EthicsGrade, will discuss the role of data ethics in the era of big data and digital transformation.

Listen to this talk to learn ideas around:

  • What is data ethics and why does it matter?
  • What is data monetisation and what ethical issues are involved with it?
  • What is a data ethics framework and why is it important to us?
  • What is a data ethical rating?
  • Which types of data need to be handled with care?
  • What new practices can we develop to support the ethical use of data and open-source information?

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About EthicsGrade | AI & ESG

At EthicsGrade, an ESG benchmarking and rating agency specialising in the best-practice of Technology Governance, Charles and his team have helped satisfy customer and policy makers’ demands for good governance.

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